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(Rachel Colombini)


Enfin un livre qui réunit les principaux tours de mentalisme les plus populaires! Vous y trouverez une palette diverse de book-tests utilisant des principes variés! Un incontournable!

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(Robert Laffont)


Les Runes qui sont décrites ici sont des Runes salutaires et miséricordieuses ; elles ne vous feront aucun mal. Apprenez leur langage et laissez-les vous parler. Jouez avec leur pouvoir d'être le "miroir de votre propre connaissance", c'est-à-dire un moyen de communiquer avec votre esprit subconscient. Souvenez-vous que vous consultez un oracle et non une diseuse de bonne aventure.

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(Docc Hilford)


A method based on 2 old principles, the first letter clue and specialty identifiers combined with a breakthrough system know as the grid! You'll know everything without touching the book!

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Difficulty of level 4 for magic's trick

(Tommy Wonder)


Du jamais vu! La magie est ici décrite comme une véritable forme artistiqueJamais aucun homme n’avait offert un récit si détaillé et si cohérent pour faire de la pratique de la magie un art.

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(Michael Ammar)


The Magical Arts Journal is a ground breaking magical publication devoted to both the art and business of magic that was published and edited by FISM world champion magician Michael Ammar and magic publishing and event production innovator Adam J. Fleischer.

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Magic's trick in restocking
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(Thomas Arcens)


Le manuel de l’hypnose de spectacle vous fera parcourir dans un premier temps l’histoire de cette discipline qu’est l’hypnose, puis vous initiera à l’apprentissage de ses techniques afin de faire de vous un artiste accompli en la matière !

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(Benoit Campana)


Divination, Prediction, Thought reading... The dream of all mentalists is to be able to perform these miracles without accessories, in an impromptu way and on any occasion. Memory, Cold Reading, Barnum Effect and Effective Communication, are the keys that will allow you to achieve new effects, more powerful while being always ready.

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(Barrie Richardson)


Retrouvez une cinquantaine de tours, idées et routines tous aussi étonnants les uns que les autres. Découvrez l’art du mentalisme au travers du regard de Barrie Richardson.

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(Max Maven)


L’auteur, également connu sous le pseudonyme de Max Maven, nous dévoile ici une douzaine de tours de magie de mentalisme.C’est ainsi que vous découvrirez dans cet ouvrage des expériences de télépathie, des effets de clairvoyance et de prédictions simulées qu’il réalise habituellement.

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(John Bannon)


In Mentalissimo, John Bannon brings his talents to bear on mentalism and mental magic with playing cards. Thirty items are described and explained in twenty-one chapters.

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Available Magic's trick
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

(Fanch Guillemin)


Routines personnelles, tours ancestraux ou encore tours inédits, voilà ce que nous propose Franch Guillemin dont les voyages et rencontres ont largement inspiré cet ouvrage.

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(Philippe Warren)


L’auteur, excellent professionnel, détaille ici la méthode de transmission de pensée qu’il a mise au point. Il l’utilise avec succès avec sa partenaire, depuis de très nombreuses années.

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(T.A. Waters)


Voici l’entière compilation revue et corrigée des nombreux opuscules magiques écrits entre 1979 et 1993 par T.A. Waters. Cet ouvrage regroupe les pensée magiques de l’un des plus brillants mentalistes du siècle dernier.

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(T.A. Waters)


Vous êtes passionnés de mentalisme et vous vous demandez ce que vous pourriez bien apprendre de plus ? Destiné à ceux qui ont déjà tout lu, cet ouvrage vous fera découvrir de nouveaux secrets qui renforceront votre savoir.

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Magic's trick in restocking
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(Hector Chadwick)


Mystères est la version française du mythique The Mental Mysteries of Hector Chadwick. Lors du premier tirage en langue anglaise, ce livre a fait l'effet d'une bombe ! Si vous aimez le mentalisme direct, efficace, sans matériel et intelligent, vous aimerez Hector Chadwick...

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(Kenton Knepper)


Learn everything about the secret principle of association with this masterpiece of Kenton's work. Create a real relationship with your audience by involving them actively and voluntarily!

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(Clint Barron)


Finally we have a booktest that's easy to learn and uncomplicated to perform. Making the presentation uncluttered, and easy for your spectator to follow.

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Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

(Luke Jermay)


You will find in this book no less than four different publications, unpublished in French, a true compilation of the monumental work straight out of the brilliant mind of Luke Jermay. If you like Luke Jermay, if you like his way of thinking and his ingenuity, the work contained in this book can only please you...

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(Phedon Bilek)


These books are destined to become two of the greatest mentalism books of the next decade! The Orion Project contains over 500 pages of extraordinary and exciting mentalism, divided into two individual volumes, each book offers you a lifetime of learning. The fundamental concepts alone are the work of a genius and are easily applicable within moments of first reading.

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(Fraser Parker)


You get the spectator to focus on the name of someone close to them. They name a few random letters, including letters from the name. It's not written down anywhere and exists only in their mind. And you instantly tell them the name they are thinking of! No accessories!

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Available Magic's trick
Difficulty of level 4 for magic's trick


You are a professional and you are looking for an unforgettable and original way to give your business card? Are you an amateur and looking for new effects that can be done with blank cards? This book is made for you, you will discover a selection of the twenty best routines using the "Out to Lunch" principle

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(Christophe Borer)


Card-Shark presents the next great idea of Christoph Borer, the inventor of Get Sharky, Trick of the Year! This effect involves two books. One has the title "Everything Women know about Men", the other "Everything Men know about Women". When showing the first book, it is obvious that the ladies know everything about the men's lives. But when the other book is shown, all pages are blank, only the page numbers are there. Seemingly not that much knowledge around about women.

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Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick


You already perform Paradigm Shift by Christoph Borer? Then you know how great the effect is. It gets even better when you can hand out the blank book with the single printed page as a souvenir. This Set contains 10 books "Everything Men know about Women".

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Available Magic's trick
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